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T1 Document. What is it? Register T1 declaration

/T1 Document. What is it? Register T1 declaration
T1 Document. What is it? Register T1 declaration2019-04-04T14:58:42+03:00
Т1 декларация, t1 document

Meri Global Customs company – provides for services  of transit declarations T1 registration. Our company provides 24/7 service for processing T1 transit declarations, as well as guarantor services in the territory of the European Union, Turkey and the Balkans. Our experts will issue a T1 declaration for you at any time of the day and for any groups of cargoes and add this document to the European NCTS data transmission system.

Register T1 Declaration

T1 document. What is it?

The T1 Transit Declaration is a document that is a financial guarantee for goods coming from the border of the European Union to a customs warehouse, or internal customs, or crossing the territory of the European Union. T1 declaration is a financial guarantee of payment of all customs duties and fees to the customs authorities of the European Union or other participants countries. This guarantee is needed in case the goods transported throughout the EU under the T1 procedure are not delivered to the border or customs warehouse or internal customs – in this case, the agent is obligated to pay all customs duties and fees as if the goods were imported to European Union or to another participant country.

T1 transit document applies in the following cases:

  • the goods sailed by sea to the port of the European Union from another non-EU country (Turkey, Russia, USA) and imported into the EU territory for further crossing of the customs territory by land in transit mode or for delivery to the internal customs for customs clearance, or for delivery to a customs warehouse.

  • the goods are imported into the Territory of the European Union across the land border from outside the EU territory for further crossing of the customs territory in transit mode, or to go to the customs warehouse for storage or handling, or to go to the internal customs office for clearance.

  • the goods are imported from outside the EU territory across the land frontier for further transit to the seaport in the territory of the European Union.

Here is the list of required documents for registration of T1 document:

  • CMR

  • Export Declaration

  • Invoice

  • Packing list

  • Information about the point of entry into the territory of the European Union and the point of customs clearance in the EU, or the point of exit from the EU

  • All new clients must fill the Client Form and sign the Contract

The cost of processing a T1 declaration depends on the size of the expected customs payments in the territory of the European Union. The minimum price for processing a T1 transit declaration with our company is 50 USD. To calculate the cost of registration in a particular case, please contact our specialists on one of the phone numbers listed on the site, or use the callback form – our agents will contact you.